My name is Jacqui Simpson-Whittaker
I am an artist and teacher with many years of experience. I have taught hundreds of aspiring adults and children how to be creative over the years.
I have a passion for art and everything about it.
Many people see art and becoming an artist, as a mystical, difficult skill that takes years and years of hard work.
Yes, it does take a lot of work when you see it as work, but when you see it as a way to explore a part of your mind and your brain that opens a whole new way of seeing the world and the life around you, you will soon discover that you cannot live a full and productive life without it.
Art is a definitive part of absolutely everyone.
It is my purpose to show you that…
My artwork is an eclectic body of various mediums and subjects. I love all mediums and I use them all, which is why I also teach in all mediums. An art medium, whether it be pencil, charcoal, pastel, acrylic or watercolour is just a tool that we use to create art. Using various mediums is exciting and creative.
I take commissions for paintings and portraiture.
Reach Us
082 490 7876

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